Sirsasana - the QUEEN of YOGA postures - for Parkinson's

15 Wonder Benefits of Headstand Yoga Pose 

(Sirsasana) for Parkinson's Headstand Yoga pose is known as king of all asanas due
 to its multiple health benefits. It speeds up the blood circulation and ensures that brain
 receives sufficient well oxygenated blood. Sedentary lifestyle, lack of exercises and 
faulty modern set up lead to varicose vein, hemorrhoids and general efficiency of the
 organs of the body. So, Sirsasana is an unnatural method of combating an unnatural 
lifestyle, helps to solve all endocrine related problems including many diseases and 
disorders. Regular practice helps to develop the body, disciplines the mind and widens
 the horizons of the spirit. One becomes balance and self-reliant in pain and pressure,
 loss and gain, shame and fame, and defeat and victory.
Sirsasana yoga for hair loss.
Best benefits of Sirsasana
Good for healthy brain: Brain is the controlling centre of the body that helps to 
function the physical and mental aspects of the body efficiently and effectively. 
The headstand yoga pose allow to manifest the brain more vividly. It can rejuvenate
 and revitalize the entire brain. Sirsasna directs an enriched oxygenated supply of 
blood to the brain cells and the billions of cells receive more nourishment.
Headache & Migraine: Sirsasana helps to relax and strengthen the compression 
of certain blood vessels in the brain thereby prevent the occurrence of these ailments. 
Note, however, sirsasana shouldn’t be done during the actual time of headache or migraine. 
These ailments are also associated with mental tension, so sirsasana helps to prevent these
 ailments by inducing calmness.
Control pituitary functions: Practicing sirsasana increases blood flow to the brain thereby
 revitalizes all the nervous system and the controller of the endocrine system, the pituitary.
 Thus, it acts like as panacea to rectify various types of glandular and nervous disorders.
Diabetes cure: The headstand yoga pose shows a significant positive influence in relieving 
diabetes. The main cause of diabetes is the pituitary gland whose symptoms itself manifest 
in the malfunctioning of pancreas.  The master gland secretes too much of diabetogenic 
hormone that leads to type 2 diabetes. Modern medicine is not so effective in curing the 
condition but Sirsasana acts directly on the pituitary gland by improving the blood supply
thus help in combating diabetes.
Treat sexual disorders: Sirsasana helps in combating sexual disorders such as prostrate
 problems hydrocele, leucorrhea, spermatorrhea, and all general menopausal and 
menstrual ailments. 
The yoga pose drains blood from the associated sexual endocrine glands and organs, thus 
improves the functional efficiency.
Anxiety reliever: Anxiety is the greatest factor in causing sexual disorders
 and other complicated problems. Sirsasana alone or with meditative techniques 
of Yoga helps to calm the mind. 
The headstand yoga is an excellent method of bringing about calmness and concentration.
Treat thyroid: It acts directly on the thyroid gland by balancing the metabolic functions. 
Malfunctioning of the thyroid can result in many ailments either directly or indirectly.
 The headstand yoga pose helps to bring perfect health to this vital organ.
Improves eye vision: It improves the overall functions of eyesight, sense of smell and taste.
 The extra supply of blood during sirsasana helps to work the sensory organs perfectly.
 Various types of ailments such as myopia, astigmatism and catarrh and general bad 
hearing have been found to improve by regular practice of sirsasana.
Skin complexion: The condition of the facial skin can also be improved through regular
 practice of sirsasana. Pimples and wrinkles are often caused by inadequate removal of 
waste materials and insufficient nourishment from the blood. Sirsasana directs an oxygen
 rich flow of blood to the facial skin thereby improving the facial complexion.
Prevents hair fall: Hair loss, greying of hair and baldness are often caused due to bad blood 
circulation in the scalp. Sirsasana doesn’t only direct enriched blood to the brain, it also 
sends it to the scalp. The transforming of grey hair into its original color and good growth 
of hair is possible through the practice of this headstand pose.
Cures piles and varicose vein: The problems of varicose vein and piles caused by accumulation
 of blood in the legs and anus respectively. Regular practice of sirsasana relieves the pressure 
on the blood vessels help in alleviating either of these ailments.  All the organs of the pelvis 
and abdomen are revitalized by sirsasana.
Memory power: Memory power, intelligence and all mental functions are improved. 
Regular practice of sirsasana makes healthy pure blood flow through the brain cells 
which rejuvenates them so that thinking power increases and thoughts become easier.
Removes lethargy: This asana is a tonic for those people who tire quickly. It ensures
 a proper supply of blood to the brain.


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