The surprising benefits of celery stalks (celery)

The surprising benefits of celery stalks (celery)

Celery is the trade name, derived from the Spanish language, for the sweet celery strain. It is very beneficial to the health, having significant nutritional properties. It has a large proportion of water (95%) and offers very few calories.

It contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B9, C, E and K, minerals such as sodium, potassium, calcium, zinc, magnesium, iron, copper, sulfur, phosphorus and silicon, fibers and essential oils.
Due to the 8 anticancer compounds it contains, it can be both effective in preventing cancer, accelerating the development of white blood cells that destroy cancer cells. In the strain of celery, there is a compound called coumarin that can prevent the formation and development of stomach and colon cancer.
Helps eliminate toxins from the body faster, improving kidney function. If you are used to making kidney stones, the celery strain stops their formation.
Its consumption contributes to lower blood pressure. Administered as an antihypertensive agent in folk medicine for several centuries, celery continues to prove that it has many benefits for heart health. Celery has in its leaves some components called "phthalides", substances that have relaxing effects on the musculature of the arteries, thus regulating blood pressure . Phthalides also reduce cortisol levels, thus reducing stress in the body, one of the sources of high blood pressure.

When celery juice is combined with the juices of other herbs, the benefits are enhanced for various conditions.
The main components of celery celery include fiber. They help in the case of digestive problems , preventing constipation and regulating the intestinal transit .

Another quality is to reduce harmful cholesterol in the blood by up to 20%, according to studies. Celery phthalides are again responsible for this, they reduce LDL ("bad") cholesterol by stimulating bile acid secretion in the liver. Increased secretion of bile acids results in increased circulation of the bile, contributing to better digestion and absorption of food fat and cholesterol.
Antioxidants in celery strain fight against bacteriaviruses and inflammation in the body; It stimulates the immune system and helps the body recover more quickly from colds and flu. Celery juice is the most suitable in this case!
Careful! Celery is not recommended for pregnant women because it stimulates uterine contractions.
In the case of people with severe kidney problems it is recommended to consult the doctor.
Those with low blood pressure, it is not recommended to consume celery or celery leaves!

Romanian Version

Apio este denumirea comerciala, provenita din limba spaniola, pentru tulpina dulce de telina. Este foarte benefica sanatatii, avand proprietati nutritionale semnificative. Are o proportie mare de apa (95%) si ofera foarte putine calorii.
Aceasta contine vitaminele A, B1, B2, B6, B9, C, E si K, minerale precum sodiu, potasiu, calciu, zinc, magneziu, fier, cupru, sulf, fosfor si siliciu, fibre si uleiuri esentiale.
Datorita celor 8 compusi anticancerigeni pe care ii contine, poate fi eficienta atat in prevenirea cancerului, accelerand dezvoltarea celulelor albe care distrug cu celulele canceroase. In tulpina telinei se gaseste un compus numit cumarina care poate prevenei formarea si dezvoltarea cancerului de stomac si colon.
Ajuta la eliminarea mai rapida a toxinelor din corp, imbunatatind functionarea rinichilor. Daca obisnuiesti sa faci pietre la rinichi, tulpina de telina le stopeaza formarea.
Consumul acesteia contribuie la scaderea tensiunii arteriale. Administrata ca un agent antihipertensiv in medicina populara, de cateva secole, telina continua sa dovedeasca faptul ca are o multime de beneficii pentru sanatatea inimii. Telina are in compozitia frunzelor sale niste componente denumite „ftalide”, substante care au efecte relaxante asupra musculaturii arterelor, regland astfel presiunea arteriala. Ftalidele reduc si nivelul  de cortizol, reducand astfel stresul din organism, una dintre sursele tensiunii ridicate.
Atunci cand sucul de telina este combinat cu sucurile altor plante, beneficiile sunt sporite, pentru diverse afectiuni.
Printre componenetele principale ale telinei apio se numara fibrele. Acestea ajuta in cazul problemelor digestive, prevenind constipatia si regland tranzitul intestinal.
O alta calitate a acesteia  este aceea de a reduce colesterolul nociv din sange, cu pana la 20%, conform studiilor. Ftalidele din telina sunt din nou responsabile pentru asta, ele reduc colesterolul LDL (“rau”) stimuland secretia de acizi biliari in ficat. O secretie crescuta de acizi biliari produce o circulatie mai mare de bila, contribuind la o mai buna digestie si absorbtie a grasimii alimentare si a colesterolului.
Antioxidantii din tulpina de telina lupta cu bacteriilevirusurile si inflamatia din corp; stimuleaza sistemul imunitar si ajuta organismul sa se recupereze mai rapid dupa raceli si gripe. Sucul de telina este cel mai indicat in acest caz!
Atentie! Apio nu este recomandat femeilor insarcinate deoarece stimuleaza contractiile uterului.
In cazul persoanelor cu grave probleme renale  se recomanda consultarea medicului.
Cei cu tensiunea arteriala scazuta, nu este recomandat sa consume telina sau frunze de telina!


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